Lib Dem Councillor Emmanuel (Manny) Doku was apparently so incensed by my previous blogs on his scheme to claim taxi journeys instead of paying £1 a day to park, just like council staff, that he has emailed me.
I wont go into the whole email but will just focus on one sentence:
"I do hope that your decision to attack me personally is not racially motivated."
I was very annoyed when I read this.
Firstly I totally resent the inference that Cllr Doku would consider me even capable of a racially motivated attack.
Second as you will be able to see here and here there is absolutely no mention of race in my previous posts on the issue. My issue with Cllr Doku is solely his scheme to cost the taxpayer more! I now have to wonder what has caused Cllr Doku to say such a thing? Was he attempting to gag my criticism of his expenses claim by playing a "race card"?
Thirdly I have made no "personal" attack on Cllr Doku. I have simply reported the details of his scheme and expressed my disgust at such a scheme to cost the tax payer money.
In 11 years in politics I have never been so upset.
Speeding on the A20: Case Dismissed!
1 week ago
Look - I don't do politics OK - but Cllr Doku's suggestion of a racially motivated attack over car parking fees smacks of desperation. Mind you, given that he is a Lib Dem perhaps I shouldn't be that surprised!