Today was the first Saturday in the month and thus my ward surgery day. I got together with Cllr Simon Carter and Cllr Tony Hall the other two councillors in Church Langley for two hours. We are fortunate in having a good working relationship with Tesco and they let us hold our surgery in their entrance hall every month. This month we were also joined by Cllr Clive Souter who is a Cllr for the neighbouring ward of Potter Street.
We had a lot of comments from people about the election results, and a lot of congratulations to pass on to our new MP Rob Halfon. We were also very happy to congratulate the voters of Church Langley for their record turnout at the election - 68% the highest in the town.
Issues raised today were the normal ones of traffic speeds, litter in bushes and some planning issues.
We were also able to spend a few minutes with the new tesco store manager Alex, who kindly gave us a walk through of the proposed refit of the tesco site and chatted to us about future developments that he would like to make on the site.
Tescos, the other shops the pub, the doctors surgery, church and school are a real community focus of Church Langely, so its always nice to know whats happening there. The refit sounds like the shopping options in Church Langely are going to get a lot better.
Later tonight I am off out with Mrs J and her friends to a Blitz Party in London. I am very much looking forward to the event, with swing bands and tunes from the 40's and everyone dressed up. The ladies are spending this afternoon doing authentic hair and makeup. I have managed to hire a Colonel's Uniform.... I just hope we don't get too many strange looks on the train! :-)
Speeding on the A20: Case Dismissed!
1 week ago
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